Meet the people behind the crops: Paul Fiers

Paul Fiers has been working for Hazera since 2022 as a crop specialist for onions and leek in the southeast Netherlands region. He is married to May and has a son and a daughter. Paul has a rich agricultural history. He was a team leader in agribusiness industry for 15 years and he also had his own vegetable growing business till 2006. Paul said “working in and with nature is always challenging and requires a flexible attitude. “If it can’t be done as it should then it should be done as it can” is a saying that fits me well.”

In your opinion, what is the most important personality trait someone would need to have to work in your industry?

“To be successful in our industry, it is important to have a good network and continue to build on it.” Said Paul. “You must enjoy meeting new people. We also have a huge capital of experience and knowledge within Hazera. If you know how to combine all this information well with your own experience, then you will always be an excellent discussion partner. And as the saying goes a flying crow always catches something.” He smiled.

Tell us about a project you’re proud of and why.

“Something I’m certainly proud of are the strides we made with the onion sales team last year. By making good use of the cultivation area per region we are much better at making the forecast. With this, we can actually see what our market share is per region and per variety. Based on this we make an action plan per region to increase the market share.”

What does “Hazera- Growing Together” mean to you?

“For me, growing together means working with everyone the best possible way, understanding and thinking in terms of solutions rather than problems.”

Can you please explain how one of Hazera’s pillars affects you daily?

“We have the earth on loan and are obliged to pass it on better than as we found it.” Said Paul. “Here I see the pillars of Hazera (inspired by nature/ good for people/ global diversity and invested expertise) reflected. With a rapidly growing world population, we face major challenges we need to overcome.”

Tell us something about yourself that most people do not know.

“When I was young, I played trumpet for several years, but due to busy work I later stopped doing this.” Said Paul in a said voice. “A few years ago, I made an attempt to start playing trumpet again but have not really succeeded until now. Who knows what the future will bring?”

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番茄TY病毒病,在我们现有的栽培条件下,很难预防和治疗, 最简单易行的防治办法是选择抗TY病毒病的品种。海泽拉优质种子公司生产的抗番茄TY病毒品种 —- 飞天是广大菜农的不二选择, “飞天”抗病性强, 适应性广, 果实品质好,耐储运,适合早春秋延栽培,深受广大菜农的亲睐。




    番茄黄化卷叶病毒,又称TY 或TYLCV 是英文全称 Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus 的缩写。TY病毒1940年最早出现在以色列,80年代扩展到欧洲,2000年以后在亚洲出现,2007年开始在中国南方许多地方出现,并逐渐向中国北方蔓延,2009年夏秋季节在山东省蔬菜主产区寿光大面积爆发,且来势凶猛,损失惨重。TY病毒一旦到来,就不会再走,所到之处给当地种植番茄的菜农造成巨大损失。



1.    温室保护:番茄必须种植在封闭的温室中,温室的所有通风口都要安装50目的防虫网,温室四周不能有开口,使用双层门。

2.    种苗:使用无烟粉虱危害的种苗,选择防护措施良好的苗场。

3.    温度调节:长时间高温会降低番茄的遗传抗性,在温室薄膜上涂白有利于降低温室内温度,使用30%遮光率的黑色遮阳网能够有效的降低温室内光照强度和温度。

4.    烟粉虱防治:定植前使用杀虫剂消毒温室,定植前1周还要再喷撒烟碱类药剂,温室要定期打药防虫,各种杀虫剂交替使用,粘胶黄板即可诱虫、防虫又可监测虫口密度。

5.    种植条件:不要在感染TY病毒的温室或温室附近种植或套种番茄,要及时清除温室四周的杂草,采收结束后应立即清除番茄秸秆。

6.    栽培技术: 合理科学的水肥管理,整枝打叉,病虫害防治,为番茄生长创造良好的环境条件。